Silent Killer hypertension

When the blood presses too hard against the walls of the arteries, it results in hypertension. Many times, high blood pressure goes unnoticed. Getting tested in the best diagnostic centre now and then is advisable.

Why High Blood Pressure Is Riskier Than You Think

We all learn about hypertension early, which is not unexpected given that 1.28 billion adults (aged 30 to 79) suffer from this health condition. There is a strong reason to treat it seriously, even if it might not seem like a serious health concern compared to excessive cholesterol or diabetes.

Poor diet

You risk developing high blood pressure if your diet contains too much salt and too little potassium. Most of the salt/sodium we consume comes from restaurants and processed foods. Blood pressure might also rise if you don’t consume enough potassium, a mineral essential for your body’s functioning. Numerous foods include potassium; high-potassium foods include bananas, potatoes, beans, and yoghurt. Consult the best physicians and get your proper diet chart prepared.

Active inactivity

Regular exercise maintains the health and strength of your heart and blood vessels, which may help control your blood pressure. Regular exercise can lower your blood pressure by maintaining a healthy weight.


The literal meaning of obesity is excessive body fat. Obesity or being overweight makes your heart work harder to circulate blood and oxygen. Your heart and blood vessels may come under more strain over time. Obesity is associated with greater levels of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides and lower “good” cholesterol levels. Study up on cholesterol. Obesity can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

A lot of alcohol Consumption

Alcohol abuse can cause blood pressure to rise. Women shouldn’t have more than a drink per day. Men should limit their daily alcohol intake to two drinks.

Use of Tobacco

High blood pressure is more likely if you smoke. Smoking can cause serious harm to blood vessels and the heart. Smoking tobacco produces carbon monoxide, limiting the amount of oxygen your blood can carry while raising blood pressure.

Why Hypertension Should Not Be Ignored

Chronic Systolic Blood Pressure of 140 or greater and Diastolic Blood Pressure of 90 or higher are indicators of hypertension or increased blood pressure. Anything above 130 and 80, respectively, is considered excessive for those with other heart risk factors. The consequences of ignoring this issue can be highly dangerous, even fatal.

When a slight change in health is observed, don’t hesitate to contact the top diagnostic centre to get yourself tested.

An Early Diagnosis Can Change the Results

As of 2021, the WHO predicted that 580 million individuals worldwide have hypertension but were undiagnosed. Additionally, only approximately half of those diagnosed received the necessary treatment, while the remaining individuals chose to leave the problem unmanaged or untreated. Get treated and prevent some of the negative effects of uncontrolled hypertension. Recognising risks, and warning symptoms, obtaining regular checks, and receiving an accurate diagnosis are critical.

Understand Your Risk Factors

Several factors influence your chance of having hypertension. Some factors—like genes, ethnicity, gender, and age—cannot be changed, but others can be managed with the right treatment, medicine, and lifestyle adjustments. Being aware of even uncontrollable factors like your risk due to family history or genes can help you proactively minimise your other risks by prompting you to get the necessary screening tests.

The Future of Medicine Is Precision

Recent developments in genetic sequencing technology have made screening these genetic variants possible. A number of the causal genes are connected to the direct or indirect routes and mechanisms that boost salt reabsorption. Correct genetic diagnosis aids in more effective management and therapeutic approaches.

Long-term untreated/uncontrolled hypertension increases the risk of complications and is a major contributor to stroke and cardiovascular disease (CVD). We are now in an era where proactive disease management and risk reduction are practised rather than solely relying on symptoms for diagnosis and treatment. Precision medicine uses methods like genetic testing that can show you the likelihood that you will experience specific ailments, such as heart problems, due to your genes.

With that said, don’t let hypertension wreak havoc on your health; it is a treatable condition that can be kept in check with the proper care, typically only medication and easy lifestyle adjustments. We advise you to visit Tesla Diagnostics, the top diagnostic centre in Hyderabad, on this World Hypertension Day; take charge and decide to strive towards becoming your healthiest self. We at Tesla Diagnostics, fully equipped with proper medical expertise, await to give you the best care you deserve!



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