About Dengue: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

A mosquito-borne illness called dengue fever affects tropical and subtropical regions of the world. High fever, rashes, and aching muscles and joints are all symptoms of mild dengue fever. Severe dengue fever, also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, can result in fatalities due to significant bleeding, a sharp decline in blood pressure, and shock. If you doubt it is dengue, you can get it diagnosed at the best diagnostic center in Hyderabad.

Symptoms of Dengue

Many people, particularly kids and teenagers, may not show any symptoms or signs of dengue fever when they have a mild illness. If you experience symptoms, they typically start four to seven days after being bitten by an infected insect.

At least two of the following symptoms, including a high fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, are caused by dengue fever:

  •   Muscle, bone, and joint pain
  •   Pain behind the eyes
  •   Vomiting
  •   Swollen glands
  •   Rashes
  •   Nausea

A life-threatening emergency, dengue hemorrhagic fever or severe dengue has the following signs and symptoms:

  •   Intense stomach discomfort
  •   Continual vomiting
  •   Bleeding from the nose or gums
  •   Having blood in your feces, urine, or vomit
  •   Under-the-skin bleeding that may resemble bruises
  •   Difficulty in breathing
  •   Fatigue & Irritability or restlessness

Don’t panic if you have any of these symptoms. Get it diagnosed at the best diagnostic center in Hyderabad.

 Causes of Dengue Fever

Four closely related viruses that cause dengue fever are carried by the Aedes mosquito genus, widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

An Aedes mosquito can become a carrier of the dengue virus if it bites a person exposed to the disease. The individual bitten by this mosquito has the risk of contracting dengue fever. There is no direct human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Rarely dengue fever can progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever, a more severe form of the illness (DHF). DHF requires immediate treatment because it may be fatal.

Possible Signs and Symptoms and Signs of Dengue Fever

Breakbone fever was the previous name for dengue fever, which may help you understand how painful your bones and muscles might get from time to time while you have it. The fever isn’t shattering bones, but it occasionally feels that way.

Dengue fever symptoms typically show up 4 to 14 days after an individual becomes infected. Some people’s symptoms last for 2 to 7 days until they go away. Some virus-infected individuals won’t exhibit any symptoms.

Treatment for Dengue Fever

You do not need to worry about dengue fever by taking timely medication and treatment. Doctors may suggest the best diagnostic center if you need to undergo any tests.

Dengue infection cannot be treated with a specific medication. Use acetaminophen-containing painkillers and stay away from aspirin-containing medications if you suspect you have dengue fever since they could worsen bleeding. You should also get enough rest, hydration, and medical attention. In the first 24 hours after your fever has subsided, if your symptoms worsen, you should visit a hospital immediately to be evaluated for problems.

Prevention of Dengue Fever :

You can avoid and prevent dengue fever if you take the necessary steps to avoid it.

Use Mosquito Repellants

Using insect repellent lotions is the most effective method of preventing dengue disease. In general, the period of protection varies depending on the brand and should not exceed three times each day.

Wear Protective Clothing

It is advised to sleep in air-conditioned rooms with mosquito nets draped over the windows during mosquito season. Wear clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible, including long sleeves and long pants.

Use mosquito deterrents

Use cleaning supplies and other repellents that stop dengue mosquitoes from entering your home when cleaning. This includes electronic vaporizers, which often deter mosquitoes from entering the residence all day.

Make sure your home is well-lit

Mosquitoes typically breed in dim, cramped spaces. Ensure windows and doors are closed and covered with mosquito screens for enhanced security. Allow the sun to shine through the windows all day to prevent mosquitoes from entering your house.

Avoid smells that attract mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are drawn to certain smells like perfume and sweat like moths to a flame. Use unscented perfumes and lotions, and take frequent showers to avoid sweat.

To summarize, you can prevent dengue by taking the necessary steps, as shown in this article. However, if any problem persists, consult the best doctor to get it diagnosed at an early stage. We want to suggest Tesla, the leading diagnostic center in Hyderabad.

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