diagnostic center

Did your doctor tell you anytime about your low immunity and suggest you take a Nutrition Screen at the best diagnostic center in Hyderabad? And, did you think about how to boost your immunity? If so, this article will guide you on how to boost your immunity by eating immunity-boosting foods.

The immune system comprises cells, tissues, and proteins that work as a team to combat bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that can lead to diseases—antibodies produced by the immune system fight infections and maintain bodily health. Include a variety of immunity-boosting fruits and vegetables in your diet to give your immune system the boost it needs to get stronger. Here is a list of meals that strengthen the immune system as well as those you should avoid to assist you:

Foods To Boost Your Immune System

Here is a list of meals that strengthen the immune system as well as those you should avoid to assist you:


Antioxidants and important nutrients like flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E are abundant in spinach. When a person is otherwise healthy, these nutrients truly assist them in avoiding infections like the common cold. Therefore, one strategy to strengthen immunity is consuming an immunity-boosting beverage daily that contains spinach and other immunity-boosting fruits or vegetables.

Dark Chocolate

 Theobromine, an antioxidant known to shield the body from free radical damage and support the immune system, is abundant in dark chocolate. When the body interacts with contaminants or breaks down food, it releases free radicals that can seriously harm cells and lead to several disorders. Although dark chocolate offers many health advantages, it is nevertheless high in calories and saturated fats. As a result, it should only be used occasionally.


One of the most effective and convenient natural immunity boosters is turmeric. Curcumin, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, is in large amounts in turmeric. One of India’s finest natural immunity boosters is turmeric, a common spice used in cooking most cuisines. Turmeric also helps to strengthen the immune system by shielding it from dangerous bacteria and viruses.

Sweet Potato

In addition to being a strong source of vitamin A and an antioxidant known as beta carotene, sweet potatoes are also high in this substance, which is known to protect the skin from UV radiation and promote skin health. Sweet potatoes are renowned as a superior superfood for boosting immunity because of this.


Broccoli is one of the best immunity-boosting foods for adults as it contains sulforaphane, an antioxidant that can help the immune system get stronger. Therefore, it is recommended that you should add broccoli to your daily diet to strengthen your immune system.

Are you searching for the best diagnostic center in Hyderabad? Then we suggest you Tesla Diagnostics, one of the promising medical screening centers for health checkups in Hyderabad.

 List of Foods to Avoid

Unhealthy additives are used in processed food to extend the shelf life of the goods. However, they may have a detrimental effect on a person’s immune system. People who consume processed foods are more likely to be obese, have compromised immune systems, and have insulin resistance because additives like sucralose, aspartame, and carboxymethylcellulose can promote inflammation in the body. In addition, white flour and refined sugar are two foods heavy in refined carbohydrates and can contribute to inflammation, eventually weakening the immune system.

  • White rice
  • White bread
  • Sugary breakfast cereals
  • Sugary drinks, such as soda
  • Marmalades
  • Flavored milk and sweetened dairy products

To summarize, after reading this article, you might have understood the importance of taking foods that helps you to boost your immunity. And the lack of immunity power causes different ailments. In case of these ailments, your doctor may ask you to go for a Nutrition screen at the best diagnostics centers. In such a case, we suggest Tesla Diagnostics, one of the leading diagnostic centers in Hyderabad. Thus, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to get the medical screenings done that give you accurate results.

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